Added Value

Added Value of Entering the National Quality Award

  • Identifying a scientific method to apply and assess the criteria of organizational performance in addition to the sustainability of results according to the national model of excellence, which contributes to achieving Vision 2030 effectively and efficiently.
  • Joining the smart system of organizational excellence "TAMAYUZ.NET" which provides an interactive electronic system for enterprises to build excellence methodologies, manage performance indicators, manage quality, document forms, and build up electronic archiving. In addition, the system presents performance results and smart reports according to the criteria of the award, training on tools and techniques of organizational self-assessment and identifying strengths and areas of improvement electronically to ensure continuity and sustainability of results.
  • Benefiting from the visits of the assessment experts of organizational performance, and providing the enterprise with an integrated electronic report of all the criteria of the award, which is directly reflected through "TAMAYUZ.NET" system.
  • Honoring and highlighting best excellence practices, and performing the integrated media coverage of the winners.

The winning enterprise keeps the award logo for two years, and is entitled to use it on its own publications and commercial advertisements.​